
We enjoy the updates from adopters and have another to share with you.

“Roux is doing great! Couldn’t imagine not having her! She loves attention, lots of pets, and sleeping all day on the couch. Her and Koda have exact opposite personalities but love each other so much (and love to cuddle). Roux loves stealing toys from Koda then just laying on them and not even playing with them lol. She LOVES to run. I’ve never seen her happier than when she’s running laps at the dog park. Koda likes to groom her which is really cute, Roux just sits there while Koda licks her. She’s just such an easy going dog. We love her so so much!! ”

Why is Roux a hero?

She is an unaffected female from a colony of dogs with Batten Disease – a fatal, inherited disorder of the nervous system that affects dogs and young children. Children suffering from Batten disease become blind, bedridden and demented; they typically die in their late teens or early twenties. Thorn’s family and his researchers are studying gene and enzyme therapies for affected dogs, and an enzyme therapy to treat affected children is currently in clinical trials.