Retired Research Dogs

Are you considering fostering or adopting a retired research dog through HAH? 

Here are a few things to know about our Animal Heroes:

The majority of research dogs are “Class A – purpose-bred” to provide healthy, predictable models for study that allow researchers and physicians to obtain optimal data with a minimal number of animals.

Research animals receive exceptional care by specially trained Laboratory Animal Science (LAS) professionals, most of whom chose their career because of their unconditional love for animals and people (See: LAS professionals are responsible for caring for research animals 24/7, ensuring that all their physical, veterinary and behavioral needs are met in support of the life changing studies we continue to demand for all of our loved ones, including our pets. Dogs in research receive top notch nutrition, socialization and play time with people and other dogs, in addition to names and plenty of love from their caregivers.  (Watch dogs in a laboratory setting) Research animals and their caregivers establish strong bonds with one another and dogs eligible for rehoming are often adopted by their caregivers or others on the research team when their studies are completed. When their homes are full, HAH will step in to ensure that every adoptable research dog has a permanent, loving home!

HAH works directly with research institutions to prepare dogs for their new lives and all of the new experiences and surprises that accompany family life in residential settings. HAH dogs will be current on vaccines, heartworm, flea and tick prevention, and spayed or neutered prior to placement with their new families. And, unlike most animals adopted from other public organizations, fosters and owners of retired study dogs from HAH will have the advantage of knowing their pet’s health history and temperament. We want you to be a good match for your new pet!

Any animal entering a new environment requires an adjustment period and it’s common for dogs to experience separation anxiety when acclimating to new surroundings and new caregivers. Many former research dogs require housetraining and crate training. They may also need to grow accustomed to walking on a leash, and stairs and rides in the car are new experiences for many of our dogs. HAH’s team of fosters will help them adjust to these new experiences prior to placement. Most dogs are engaging and adaptable animals that can be successfully rehomed with an adequate amount of time, training, love and lots of patience! As with any new pet, they should be carefully introduced to other pets and children in your home. HAH staff will be available to provide training resources and support throughout the rehoming transition and may be contacted whenever you have questions or concerns about your new pet.